This is one of the most sensitive operations, performed by a professional shaper, who interprets the idea of the course designer with “art” and perfectly integrates it with the surrounding land and vegetation.
For this part of the activities, Sicilverde relies on the professional support of Italian, American, and British shapers of international renown
Construction of greens, tees and bunkers
This part of the work requires the support of special machines and equipment and shall be performed by specialised staff only, as the final finish can only be done by hand.
The drainage system is used to drain rain and irrigation water from the subsidence and depressions along the fairways and uncultivated areas. A well designed drainage system is indispensable to ensure the best construction of greens. Gravel and siliceous sand are the main inert materials used to create the ideal drainage. Ghiaia e sabbia silicea sono i materiali inerti maggiormente utilizzati al fine di creare il drenaggio ideale.